CIDB Status

CIDB status

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  • Post last modified:9 September 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read

CIDB Status

Have you ever wondered why suddenly your company CIDB status in now showing suspended or expired? Well, we have put together some answers for you for easy of reference.

CIDB Status: Active

This is the CIDB status that every registered contractor will need to have. It means that the CIDB has successfully processed your application and you now have a grade. Your registration is valid, and you are eligible to be awarded government tenders.

What you need to do:

To maintain the active status, ensure that:

CIDB Status: Awaiting Activation

Means that the CIDB has successfully processed your application and you now have a grade but your registration cannot be activated on the CIDB website because the funds you paid for grading are insufficient.

What you need to do:

Pay the outstanding balance on your application. Once the outstanding fees are settled you will be activated and your company will be listed on this website, where clients can find you.

Not sure on how to do it? Reach out to us now!

CIDB Status: Suspended

Suspended means you are still registered but you cannot trade with government until your suspension is lifted. During this period, your company listing may not be visible or accessible to clients on the CIDB website.

Why one can have a suspended CIDB status:

  1. Your annual update is outstanding. Please note that annual updates do not apply to Grade 1s.
  2. Your tax Compliance Status is not up-to-date.
  3. Your electrical license is no longer valid.

To help you remember to update these requirements, we can assist you. To find out more click here.

What you need to do:

  1. Complete the relevant form for annual update and pay the annual fee. You only need to pay annual fees applicable to your highest grade if you are registered in more than one grade. Or,
  2. Supply the CIDB with your up-to-date Tax Compliance Status document, issued by SARS. Or
  3. Submit a valid electrical license if you registered for EB class of works.

CIDB Status: De-registered

This means that you have not updated your registration in two successive years. Each year the CIDB will send you a reminder to submit the relevant form and pay due annual fees. If after two years you have still not updated you will be de-registered. Your company listing may not be visible or accessible to clients on the CIDB website.

What you need to do:

Submit a completed annual update form and pay all outstanding annual fees. Do not waste much of your time trying to do DIY. We are here to make compliance easier on business owners such as yourself. Contact us for more information

CIDB Status: Expired

The CIDB registration is valid for three years, after which the grade lapses or expires. Your company listing may not be visible or accessible to clients on the CIDB website.

What you need to do:

Apply for 3-year renewal and attach the necessary documents. These are company registration documents, identity documents of all members, valid Tax Compliance Status document issued by SARS, track record and financial statements.

What if you do not have some of the documents mentioned above? Do not worry we got you covered. We can assist, reach out to us for more information.

CIDB Status: Non-compliant

When you apply for registration attach all relevant documents to enable the CIDB to assess it for grading. The CIDB will deem your application non-compliant if it is not supported by all relevant documents. The CIDB will send you an SMS notifying you of what is outstanding to make your application compliant.

What you need to do:

Submit the outstanding documents promptly so that the CIDB can adequately assess and finalise processing of your application for the grade.

Why then do DIY and prolong your registration by submitting inadequate documents and losing out on potential work. Hire experts that will assist you to get it right the fight time. Click here for more information

CIDB Status: Awaiting cancellation

Where the application is not adequately supported by all the necessary documentation the CIDB will give the contractor 60 days to comply. After 60 days the CIDB will cancel the application if the missing information is still not received.

What you need to do:

Submit the outstanding documents so that your application can be processed. Why then do DIY and prolong your registration by submitting inadequate documents and losing out on potential work. Hire experts that will assist you to get it right the fight time. Click here for more information